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Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Apple Cider Vinegar Cleaning

Sebaik-baiknya tuak adalah cuka ( HR: Muslim - Ahmad ) Ya Allah berkahilah cuka karena ia adalah tuak para Nabi sebelumku ( HR: Ibnu Majah )Cuka apel bisa dibeli secara online di toko diskon www.binmuhsingroup.com Cuka Apel - Apple Cider Vinegar Natural Al-RomhainMade From the Whole AppleIsi : 500 mlNon Pasteurized, Non Diluted, Non DistilledMan & Bottled in Syria By : Al-Romhain C.R.42875Ingredients : Ca 250 mg, K 1599 mg, P 73 mg, Na 24.15 mg, Mn 45 mg, Fe 9.67 mg, Enzymes, Pectin, Amino AcidsDibuat sesuai syariat agama islam dan bebas bahan kimia apapunUNTUK KOLSUNTASI DAN PEMESANAN SILAHKAN HUBUNGI :HP: 085227044550 Tlp: 021-91913103 SMS ONLY: 081213143797@MyYM @MyFacebook @MyTwitter @MyYuwie @MyFriendster binmuhsin_group@yahoo.co.id
Thanks to it's acidic nature, Apple Cider Vinegar can be used for many cleaning uses. When making a cleaning solution you should always use a ratio of 1:1 with water. Here are just a few uses:

Kitchen & Bathroom

Lime deposits and general bathroom scum can be removed with Apple Cider Vinegar. Mineral deposits can also be removed. Apple Cider Vinegar can be used to clean taps making them shine and polished.
Ceramic tiles, toilet bowls and sinks will also benefit from cleaning with an Apple Cider Vinegar solution. Be sure not to use Apple Cider Vinegar on marble.

Window Cleaner

Apple Cider Vinegar is used by many as an excellent smear-free window cleaner. Some have said that their windows literally look good as new.

Fabric Conditioner

People with sensitive skin may be interested to know that Apple Cider Vinegar has good fabric conditioning qualities. Simply use half a cup instead of your regular fabric conditioner.

If you have a cleaning application of your own using Apple Cider Vinegar, why not go to our Contact page and let us know!

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